Hello! I'm Emre.

I'm a Computer Science undergraduate with a strong foundation in Python and C++, and a keen interest in computer engineering and CPU architecture. I'm looking to apply my technical skills in a role bridging software development and computer engineering.

Beyond coding, I enjoy playing tennis, piano, and being terrible at chess.


University of Exeter | BSc Computer Science

Expected Graduation: 06/2027

  • On track for First Class honours
  • Relevant modules include: Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Data Structures and Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming
  • Achieved 4th place at the Exeter hackathon

Imperial College London | BEng Electrical Engineering

Course not complete (2022 - 2023)

  • Object-oriented programming in C++
  • Digital Electronics and Computer Architecture
  • Group design project - remote control server

Lycée Francais Charles de Gaulle | French baccalaureate

2015 - 2022

  • Specialty subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
  • Graduated with distinction (félicitations du jury) 18.21/20

Technical Skills